Sunday 26 June 2011

Identifying With The 23rd Psalm

Rick’s Psalm 23
(Psalm 23 paraphrased to express my identity)

I had not thought much about it before,  but it makes sense.   We all have our own unique relatiionship with God.   My understanding the Word and my experiences in life have shaped this relationship as has your's.   How do I think about God,  how do I relate to Him?   Knowing and understanding your personal and unique identity before God strengthens your fellowship with God.

One way of discovering your unique identity with God is to paraphrase scripture, especially the prayers of scripture, in a way that makes them personal.    Like millions of other believers,  Psalm 23 has been especially encouraging to me at various times in my life.   This morning in my devotions, I paraphrased it in a way that expresses my experience with God as my Shepherd.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall never lack His care and provision.

He gives me rest in prosperous places and He calms my spirit like still waters.

He refreshes my soul.

He guides me to being a godly man that my life might honour His name.

Even through the most difficult times of my life, when it is only You and me;

I will not fear because You are with me. You hold me up and bring comfort to my soul.

Even when evil comes and people turn against me, You will provide a banquet of blessings to me, You have anointed me with blessings that are abundant and good.

You have been and always will be good and merciful to me Oh God, and I will walk with You always until I dwell with you eternally in Heaven.

June 26, 2011