(part 3)
It’s been several weeks now since my vacation but there are two more things that God taught me about myself that I want to share with you. I do this, not because I am someone special in who’s life you should be enthralled, or that I have some special insight that others cannot have. My purpose is that sharing my experience with God might encourage you that while on your own vacation you might be deliberately more sensitive to what God might be saying to you. Since many of us living busy lives face some of the same issues, perhaps God will use these to prime the pump of your own thinking. The wonderful thing is that God is always willing and even anxious to spend intimate time with us and draw us even closer to Himself.

I Need To Live A More Disciplined Life Because God Created Me For His Purposes
The business of life leaves us with little time for intimacy with God. You wake up in the morning and rush off to work. When you get home the family requires your time and the everyday business of running a home and keeping the car running and the yard looking good cry out for your time. Add to that your involvement at the church and in the community and there is very little time to invest in time alone with God or for that matter, accomplishing His mission in the world.
The fact is that God is on Mission to redeem the world and our highest calling couples us
together with that mission. His mission is our mission, however these everyday life needs seem to leave little room for accomplishing God’s Mission. Yet, this is exactly why God has redeemed us and there is no greater fulfillment we will ever experience than to know that we are in sync with God in fulfilling this ultimate mission. Somehow we have to get our lives in sync with the Mission of God (missio dei) to reconcile lost humanity to Himself.
As I thought and prayed about this on my vacation, I came to the conclusion that I need to live a more disciplined life. It’s not that I don’t work hard, I certainly do. It’s just that sometimes I’m undisciplined. For instance, I’ve been wanting to write a course on "How To Study The Bible For Yourself" for several years. I’ve made some progress but this project is still incomplete. If I were to develop a project time line with some completion dates and discipline myself to stick to the plan, I could finish that project before the end of the year. I just need the discipline and the result would be greater honour to God and perhaps a tool that many others could use for their journey.
I know that being physically fit will enable me to serve God longer and better. I know that I am getting really out of shape. It does me no good to lament the fact that I’m getting out of shape. I’ve got to do something about it. It takes discipline of time and motivation to get to the gym on a regular basis. I’ve got to discipline my time in order to make it to the gym on a regular basis so I have to schedule it into my week and then I’ve got to discipline myself to stop what I’m doing and go to the gym as scheduled. No one is going to do it for me. I have to discipline myself (I’m asking the Holy Spirit for help).
Discipline calls for a plan and the motivation to stick to the plan. Perhaps you too have things you’d like to accomplish or ministries you’d like to be involved in and it seems you don’t have the time. Discipline is the key. It tough. No one is going to make you do it. Why not ask God to help you live a more disciplined life, set a target and get to it.
I Need To Learn To More Accurately Discern God’s Voice
This is a tough one. How do I know when it’s Rick’s idea and when it’s God’s idea? I want to walk in God’s ways and accomplish His plan and His will in my life. I want to tie into what God is up to. In order to do that I need to be able to discern His voice over all the other voices that call for my attention. I know it involves knowing the Word of God and reliance upon the Holy Spirit. I’m sure it also involves slowing down and being quiet so that when He whispers in my ear, I can hear. I’m going to be asking Him to help me listen more carefully.
God bless you as you enjoy your vacation this summer. Remember, your vacation provides you with a great opportunity to slow down and listen to what God might be speaking into your life. Sure, enjoy time with your family. Enjoy the sights and sounds and attractions but in the quieter, slower pace of life that vacations provide, but make sure you take some precious time to be with God and listen for what He might want to teach you on your vacation.
Thank you for this.. No vaca for me but doesn't mean I can't apply what you are saying to my life. God bless.
Love the articles, dislike the snake photos!