I have the privilege each week to be paid to delve into God's Word in order to feed myself and the wonderful congregation God has given me to shepherd. Yet, in the business of ministry it is often difficult to slow down long enough to really hear the voice of God. Ministry is mostly about putting out and placing the need of others ahead of your own, but if you don't care for your own soul, soon you'll have nothing to give to others. That's one of the reasons I love vacations and one of the reasons that for at least part of the time I don't plan to do a lot of heavy reading or thinking. Just gear down and chill out. it's usually in those times that God most clearly speaks to my soul.
As we did, God began to speak into my soul and taught me vital things about myself that I needed to know. Over the next week I'd like to share some of those things with you, not because I want to bear my soul, or have any need for some kind of public confession, but because I suspect that many of you need to be reminded of the same things and perhaps my experience and observations might be an encouragement to you.
Some of these lessons God taught me may seem negative to you. They are not. They are gentle loving reminders from my Heavenly Father designed to enrich my life, bring me peace, and glorify Him with my life. They are sweet and cherished lessons that as I pursue them will bring greater fulfilment, purpose and enjoyment in my life. Nor are these lessons necessarily new discoveries as if I never knew them before. In fact, like you, I have known them, and indeed have taught them to others. They are rather lessons that I, and I suspect you, need to be reminded of on occassion. These generally are things I need to remember daily or disciplines I need to exercise regularly in my life.
So today, , let me share two things God taught me on my vacation and then another day I'll share a couple more. I hope you'll take the basic thought and run it through your mind and heart a bit and see if God doesn't bless you too.
I Am More Loved By God Than I Often Remember
I am a Pastor, I am a leader. Daily I am before people and my imperfections are self evident and open for all to see. And might I add, some people feel it is their responsibility to remind me of how far I come from meeting their expectations. I'm sure that you have those people in your life too and I'm sure that even without their help, you're well aware of how messed up you are and how far you fall short of the mark. There is within most of us that ache that reminds us that we are flawed, less than perfect and therefore unlovable, or at least that sense that we have to somehow earn the love of others, and even the love of God.
How marvellous is our God in that He reminds us that in Christ, His love for is unmeasurable and absolutely unconditional. I don't have to earn it. In fact, I can't earn it. My brokenness and sinfulness make it impossible. I am reminded that "God demonstrated His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." God's love for me began when I was wretched and lost.
I am also reminded that now that I am saved and am His child, His love for me is based not on my performace, which is far too often flawed, but on the value and supremacy of His Divine Son Jesus and my union with Him. He wants me, and He wants you to daily, moment by moment to just rest in His unfailing love.
I Haven't Been Seeking Him As I Should
He is worthy to be sought. It's not that I don't seek Him at all, it's just that at times, perhaps too much of the time I'm not seeking Him with my whole heart. I mean I love the benefits that I receive when I seek Him wholeheartedly, but I don't always like to put in the effort that it requires. It is so easy to slip into spiritual neutral. I think neutral is our default setting but He calls us to seek Him with our whole heart, to get our seeking into high gear.
I know by experience that the most fantastic, the most exciting, the most fulfilling my life can be is when I am in hot pursuit of God Himself. Sometimes I just don't understand myself. I don't understand why knowing that; I'm not more diligent to follow after God and seek Him with my whole heart. I'm sure you know that feeling too. In the business of our lives it's not that we forget God, it's often simply that we do not pursue Him as we ought. Vacation helped me slow down and re calibrate my life.
I hope and pray that during your vacation this summer you'll have a chance to slow down long enough to hear God's voice and let Him re calibrate your life so that you might have strength for the journey ahead. God bless you.

1 All of the photos in this post were taken on our vacation.
I Haven't Been Seeking Him As I Should
God said to Israel, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the LORD” (Jer. 29:13–14).
I hope and pray that during your vacation this summer you'll have a chance to slow down long enough to hear God's voice and let Him re calibrate your life so that you might have strength for the journey ahead. God bless you.
1 All of the photos in this post were taken on our vacation.
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