Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Tuesday August 12,2014 

First, let me thank you all for your interest in this blog and in your continued prayer for me and my family. You will never know just how much it holds us up and encourages us all.

I went one month without Chemotherapy and during that time Wendy and I were able to make a trip to the east coast for some vacation.     It was good to visit some family and friends but especially nice for us to spend several days together at a cottage on PEI.     These were precious days.     Unless the Lord decides to supernaturally heal me, they were the last days for us to vacation together.     There were days when I felt bad enough that I thought we might have to abandon our trip.    Fortunately, that did not happen.

Since the cancer has spread into the hip bone it was producing some significant pain which kept me awake at night and made it difficult to function at times.     My medical team had prescribed some fairly heavy pain medications but then decided to take more direction action.

On Wednesday August 6th I had an appointment with a radiologist who arranged for me to have radiation that very day on my hip.      There are several cancer spots on my hip and femur and they zapped the most significant one that was causing the pain.     This seems to have alleviated the pain at least for the time being.      With all the complaints I hear about the speed of our health care system I must say I was impressed that they were able to do this so quickly.

There is a significant complication that I would like to bring to your attention and ask you to seriously pray.     As you know it seems that I get the uncommon complications to this disease. For instance, its not normal to lose your hair. I did.     It’s not normal for the cancer to spread to the bone but in my case it has.      Now, it’s not normal to have a hacking cough and spiking fever but this has plagued me for months and is stealing the good days that I would otherwise have. 

Technically, if my fever raises to 101 f (38.3c) I am to go to the local Emergency Department in case there is an infection.      In my case almost every day my temperature rises to as high as 102 f (38.9c) somewhere during the day. Often in the evening.      Obviously, I can’t go to Emergency every day. 

The fact is this has been going on for months and they are unable to determine the source of the fever and have not been able to calm the cough.       It is extremely frustrating and during the bouts of fever I feel absolutely awful.      Think of how your body feels when you have the flu and the double that effect.       It literally sends me to bed in misery.      I have to confess this really plays with me mentally as well as physically.

I am not one to see a demon behind every tree but I must confess that since the medical team cannot seem to find the source or adequately treat this situation, I am wondering if there is some kind of Satanic attack taking place.      I recognize there is a lot of quackery in Christian circles regarding spiritual warfare and frankly, I’m not impressed.     However, we do see in the book of Job that Satan was allowed by God to do some nasty things to Job’s body.      Is it possible that God is allowing Satan to buffet my body for whatever reason.      We also know that Satan loves to oppose the Gospel and thus will oppose God’s preachers.

In any event, I would very much covet your prayers.      These periods of high fever are miserable and discouraging and really get me down.      Perhaps if we bombard Heaven, God will be pleased to answer our prayers and alleviate this situation and at least allow me to enjoy the good days.

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
(James 5:16 NKJV)

My situation continues to be serious and the only solution is a miracle from God.      When you see me in public you may be deceived because I look healthy and on Sunday mornings it seems that God is giving me supernatural power to be able to preach with confidence and strength.     The fact however is that every day of the week is a struggle.     Let me boldly ask you to continue praying with great fervency that perhaps God will have mercy and grant healing.     Pray that this cough and fever will be removed.      And pray for daily grace to live each day for His glory.
• Pray that God would remove the cough and fever that strikes me daily
• Pray for my family as they increasingly come to grips with an uncertain future
• Pray for Wendy as she seeks to be God’s woman in this situation
• Pray that God might grant healing so that we can continue the Gospel work


  1. Praying for you to have pain-free days and that your temperature would not spike. Blessings! !

  2. Lifting you in prayer tonight and asking The Lord to free you from this pain. May your days be numbered by His grace. Please know that many are praying even though we have never met!

  3. I have prayed for relief from Satanic attack. I believe it is certainly possible that you are experiencing it. Of course he would like to break you while you are being courageous.
    I have also prayed that God might make it possible for you to serve Him more years. We need good men as they are few and I have prayed that it might be God's will to be gracious and give you more years of powerful ministry.
    I have prayed for your family. That they may have peace and not become bitter at the Master. May they too have strength for this unexpected journey.
    Thank you for sharing, Rick.

  4. Today Rick praying for your peace and comfort and the same for your family. Praying that you will 'without cessing' be feeling His very presence and that it be as real to you as the presence of each other. In His Unyielding Grip, Ken.

  5. Appreciate your strength. Will be praying for you and your family for sure!
