Tuesday 28 May 2013


It has been several months since I have made a new posting on Pastor Rick's Study.    Many of you have been checking back to see if I'd written anything new or exciting.   Well, at least new.   You may have wondered, where in the world has Pastor Rick been.

Well, I've been busy and I've been wondering, and I've been seeking.   I suppose I've even been wandering.   I've been seeking God.    There is no point writing if you don't have anything to say and anything I'd have to say in and of myself would be pretty insignificant.   The only things that I might say that are of any value, that are worth reading,  are the things that flow out of God's Word.    If I'm going to write something worthwhile, it needs to come from God and if its going to come from God, I need to seek His face and hear His voice.

We live in a culture that loves to hear itself talk (I am not immune to that) and values its own opinion whether or not it is based on any kind of objective truth other than our own sense of importance.   I don't want this blog to be of that kind.    My opinion is of little value unless it is deeply rooted in the truths of scripture.   Frankly,  I am amazed at how many people have been reading Pastor Rick's Study from all over the world.    My desire is that out of the richness of the study of God's Word and the observation of His world,  I might be able to bring insight, help, and encouragement to my readers, that will in the end bring glory to God.

I'm going to begin writing more frequently again and I invite you to pop in and take a look at Pastor Rick's Study from time to time.    Hopefully you'll find the blog posts interesting and helpful as they point your heart towards Christ but I want to encourage you to look around the page for other features. 

I'll regularly update the "What's Pastor Rick Reading" section down the right column.    There are a trillion books out there but only a few are really worth the read.   You may wonder sometimes, "What should I read?"   Most of the books I'll list here are worth the read.     Reading is one of the important ways we learn and I hope this section will help you get started on some good books. 

You might also want to check out the "Calvary Road" page.   This will give you some information about the ministry I'm involved in, in the communist country of Cuba.    At the moment its a bit outdated so check back from time to  time as we'll begin to updated it in the next week or so.

God bless you as you seek to live each day in the light of God's love and God's truth.   Just wanted to let you know that you can expect new blog posts to be posted more regularly one again.   If they are a help to you,  please share them with others.

God Bless You All

Because of Calvary
Pastor Rick

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