Saturday 30 November 2013

Why Every Christian
Join Their Local Church
Every Christian ought to be a church member.     Not just an attender but a full fledged member of a local church for the same reasons my Bride and I do not just live together or hang out together.       We have Covenanted Together.     We have pledged our commitment to each other

It’s sad that in our day even believers often take a shallow view of the importance of the church and a very shallow view of what it means to be a Church Member.     The fact is that God has called us to be members together – to be in Covenant together as the Bride of Christ.
What does it mean to be a member?

To become a member of a church is to formally commit oneself to an identifiable, local body of believers who have joined together for specific, divinely ordained purposes. These purposes include receiving instruction from God’s Word (1 Tim. 4:13; 2 Tim. 4:2), serving and edifying one another through the proper use of spiritual gifts (Rom. 12:3-8; 1 Cor. 12:4-31; 1 Pet. 4:10-11), participating in the ordinances (Luke 22:19; Acts 2:38-42), and proclaiming the gospel to those who are lost (Matt. 28:18- 20). In addition, when one becomes a member of a church, they submit themselves to the care and the authority of the biblically qualified elders that God has placed in that assembly. 1 (I am sorry but I do not know where this quote comes from so I cannot cite it).

Let me give you several reasons why you should join a local church, but first let's see if we can use just one verse of scripture that will help us see why we need to be a member of a local church.

Two Questions From Hebrews 13:17

Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you. (Hebrews 13:17)

Now, let’s ask ourselves two questions that this verse helps us answer.

1. What Leaders Are You To Obey?

The passage instructs believers to "obey your leaders."      If you’re not a member of a local church, what Leaders are you commanded to Obey?      Are we to obey just anyone with the title of "Elder", from any church? Are we to obey the TV Evangelist who call for us to send the $ 1,000 of ‘seed’ money so that God can bless us.      Are we to obey every wacko religious leader who says he is an apostle or prophet or whatever?      Are we to obey the crazy leaders of "Westboro Baptist Church", or other religious sects.     Who are we to obey.
Scripturally we are to obey those leaders who have been appointed in your local church. The local church is God’s plan for the world. The local church is God’s idea.

2. Who Will Leaders Give An Account For?
The passage also reminds us that these leaders will have to give an account of how they shepherded the people under their care. Who are they to give an account of. Scripture clearly tells Elders to care for the local flock, the assembly of God’s people. (1 Peter 5:1-5; Acts 20:29-30).

Will I as a Pastor, or our Elders be held accountable for all the Christians in Toronto? There are many churches in GTA with various and even false doctrine, will we be held accountable for them. Will we be accountable for those who come here on Sundays but make no commitment to be accountable. No, these kinds of instructions can only work when there is a recognizable local church membership.
No, these kinds of instructions can only work
when there is a recognizable local church membership.
1. It’s Biblical    
Believers in the New Testament were connected to a local church.     There is a whole lot of instructions in the New Testament that only make sense if there is a recognizable church membership that is making itself accountable to one another.

For example, in Acts 5:12-13, it says:
Now many signs and wonders were regularly done among the people by the hands of the apostles. And they were all together in Solomon's Portico. 13 None of the rest dared join them, but the people held them in high esteem. (Acts 5:12-13)

Those outside the church had great respect for Christians but wouldn’t ‘join’.      The word literally means "to glue or cement" something together.      Its not referring to an informal, assumed relationship but rather one where you chose to "glue" yourself to others.      This makes sense only in the context of "membership".      In fact, much of the language in Acts only makes sense in context of Church Membership. (ie. "The Whole Church" (15:17) "The Elders" (20:17).
2. It Declares Your Identity With Christ And His People
In the Book of Acts, the believers are identifying themselves with each other.     They are stating before God and others that you belong to Christ and stand with His followers.

Many people seem to prefer a dating relationship with the church whereas it ought to be like a marriage.     Like Marriage, real fellowship is hard work.     In a marriage you don’t run off at the first sign of trouble.      Membership says "I’m committed to Christ and His People. Being a Church Member in a low-commitment culture is making a powerful counter-culture statement and highlights the importance of Christ and His Church.     It says, "I’m here to give, more than to get.
3. It Provides You A Community Of Edification
The whole purpose of church is community.     It is the place we learn to live out the "one another" lifestyle" of scripture.     It is the place where are challenged and where we grow. Sure, you can experience some of that as an adherent or casual attender, but the real growth is in the commitment we make to one another as ‘community’.
4. It Places You Under The Care Of Godly Shepherds
As we saw in Hebrews 13:17, membership puts us officially under the spiritual care of the Elders of our local church.     Yes, good and godly Elders will care for those who are not members simply because they care, but they have no authority in the lives of those who are not members.

The very existence of Church Government with its plurality of Elders and their responsibility to care for the flock presupposes a clearly defined group of church members.     It presupposes a defined flock of those who have submitted themselves under the authority of the God appointed Elders.

In addition, only membership really provides accountability.     It’s the place where we keep each other accountable in an informal way as we fellowship and challenge each other. It also provides accountability in a moral formal way as we submit ourselves to church discipline.     Formal membership is a form of submission to the Shepherd leadership God has provided His Church.     Those who do not become members of a local church take themselves out from under the umbrella of protection that is afforded church members.

I jokingly say (yet there is much truth in it), "You gotta join the church so we can throw you out."     Now don’t get lost in my humour.     The Bible gives clear instructions concerning church discipline.     None of which makes sense without formal membership.     In fact if you do not become a member of a church, you take yourself out from under this protection of accountability.     Discipline is not meant as a way of punishment but rather as a safeguard of accountability.

I like to talk in terms of the "Protective Umbrella Of The Church."     As you submit yourself to local church accountability you place yourself under its protection.     In fact I think this is what Paul is referring to when he tells the Corinthian Church that they had to deal with the sinful man who had his father’s wife.
You are to deliver this man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh,
so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord (1 Cor 5:5)
When we take ourselves out from under this Protective Umbrella of the local church we are much easier prey for the enemy.

5. It Unites You In A Global Mission
The Great Commission of Matthew 28 is the marching orders of the Church.     Yes you can and should be a witness for Christ in your school or at your work or wherever you may find yourself.     However, these are the marching orders of the Church and those we would bring to Christ are to become part of a local church.     By joining ourselves to a local church, we commit ourselves to the Great Commission of Christ.
6. It Gives Visible Demonstration To The Reality Of Christ
We are Christ’s Body in the world.     The world knows and sees Jesus through us.     As I pointed out in the previous post, we are the Visible Demonstration Of Christ In The World.

Wendy and I didn’t decide to live together.      We didn’t just date.     We decided to make a commitment to each other. It has been good.     In the same way, when we look at the New Testament it becomes clear that God’s plan for us is to be part of a local covenant community of faith for our own protection and maturity as well as for the edification of others.
If we view church as some sort of ecclesiological buffet, then we severely limit the likelihood of our growing into maturity.     Growth into godliness can hurt.     For instance, as we interact with others in my our local body, our own slothfulness in zeal is exposed, as is our lack of patience, our prayerlessness, and our hesitancy to associate with the lowly.     Yet this interaction also gives us the opportunity to be lovingly confronted by brothers and sisters who are in the trenches with us, as well as a safe place to confess and repent.     But when church is just a place we attend without ever joining, like an ecclesiological buffet, we just might consider whether we’re always leaving whenever our heart begins to be exposed by the Spirit, and the real work of spiritual growth is beginning to happen.

What’s the bottom line?

Local church membership is
not a question of personal preference
but of biblical obedience.


1.    I am sorry but I do not know where this quote comes from so I cannot cite it.




  1. Thank you, pastor Rick!

    This should be preached all over. This generation is a generation of spiritual orphans, and it is so sad to see how God's plan is being ignored and His church, His beloved bride being neglected. A timely and precious reminder. Let us preach this on both sides of the ocean. It is amazing that we belong to the same family. And it is wonderful to know that we have the honor of belonging to the local church, which helps us manifest all those things a Christian should be in a God-given context.

    Going to bed now while your weekend is still ahead of you.

    Praying that the Lord will give you wisdom and Spirit-filled words to proclaim this coming Sunday.


    Vyborg, Russia

  2. Recently my wife and I moved to our old stomping grounds and started to attend the local church of our ancestors. The past church where we were was a Moravian church which upon being baptized as adults and giving our testimonies we were accepted as members and began to be involved as much as possible with our church family.The new church although we are very loved and accepted as part of the church family will not allow us to be members because the Moravian church doesn't do full immersion baptism. We are trusted as youth leaders, I am the missions teams leader and we take the offerings as well as are involved in almost all church functions.We have both shared our testimonies in church and have been baptized as adults, what do you think?
