Tuesday 11 March 2014

"The Unexpected Journey"
Raw Emotions

(Just over a week ago my family and I started an "Unexpected Journey" when I was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer. As you will recall from my last post, statistically that means a life expectancy of about 6 months. On Tuesdays and Fridays I will try to post a new update to share the journey with you in hopes that perhaps it might help you as you journey through the unexpected journeys of life.)

I told you I’d journal this "Unexpected Journey" because it would be therapeutic for me and perhaps helpful for others who go through troubled waters (if not now, just wait, it will come).     Well, this is going to be messy. If you don’t want open, honest, raw emotions then turn back now before its too late.    Close this blog and go back to what you were doing and stand clear.    Life is messy and dealing with it is fraught with nitty gritty emotion when you can’t make sense of it all.
Let me clearly state  up front that my faith in my loving heavenly Father is rock solid.     I believe He is sovereign and can do whatever He pleases but that He is also loving and gracious and knows so much more than I can see or comprehend.     I do not question the goodness of God nor His plan for my life, or death.    Like Job, I would say, "Though He slay me, still I will hope in Him. "     Still, I am a human being created by God with emotions.    It is not ungodly to express emotion in fact it is healthy and good.    So if you’re not ready to hear some raw emotion (which is not always expressed with rationality) this is your last chance to turn back.


I did not sleep well last night knowing that I had my first appointment with the Surgical Oncologist this morning (Tuesday March 11,2014).    Though there was a hidden hope that either he’d say there had been some mistake or that he could deal with the cancer, I knew that was not rational and that in reality he was going to tell me what I already knew.    That Stage IV Pancreatic cancer is an appointment with death in 6-12 months with a little chemotherapy.    It felt like I was preparing for a visit to my executioner who would put one more nail in my coffin.    This would be the authoritative voice telling me the bad news I already knew.
The "Unexpected Journey" began today at 5 am when I woke up and did a little bit of work and as I mulled things over in my mind my emotions began to surface.    Just before my wife Wendy woke, I found myself on our bed trying to choke back the tears.    Soon I was sobbing and calling out to God looking for some kind of answers. He seemed so far away.
My cries went on for some time and were something like this.    "God, I love you and I trust you, I trust your goodness, but I just don’t get it."     I was sobbing and shaking.     "God, I just don’t get it. I don’t get it. I don’t  get it. I don’t get it ....    Wendy and I have given ourselves to you.    We have poured ourselves out.    We’ve left it all on the table and held nothing back, and this is how its going to end."     I just couldn’t get my head and my emotions past the fact that we had sacrificed so much for the cause of Christ and the Kingdom (Remember this isn’t necessarily rational or theologically correct. It’s raw emotion and it takes time to process the emotions and bring them in line with the truth in which we trust).
"God, you have every right to do whatever you wish with your servant.    I have not been a perfect servant and certainly not your best, but have I been such a bad man, a bad husband, father, pastor, that you have to take me out like this?"    These words were spoken between great big sobs and tears so that the sheets on our bed were visible wet.
"Wendy doesn’t deserve this.    I know you can use this to bring growth in her life and I trust you for that.     She’s so scared.     She doesn’t deserve this and I can’t do anything to stop it.    Why God? Why?   (Not why as in what right do You have but why in the sense that I just don’t understand. Don’t give me that nonsense that you can’t ask God why?)
Wendy woke and gently put her hand on my shoulder but did not interrupt.     (Sometimes you just have to allow people space to grieve).    Deep sobs.    "We have sacrificed so much for ministry Father, we have tried to be faithful, we’ve sacrificed time together for the sake of the church, we’ve pushed our own needs aside so many times for others and here we are and you seem so far away.   Is this how it's going to end?     Where are you, where are you, where are you, where are you?    You seem so far away.      I know you’re here but you seem so far away. Come and embrace us. God where are you."
It flashed through my mind that I was like a slave tied to a post having my back lacerated. Not by God, but by this disease, this fallen world, this brokenness, whatever.    "It hurts God. It hurts.   Oh God, Oh God, Oh God ..."
"I am your servant God, I surrender to your will." (Sob after Sob). Over and over again I repeated,  "I don’t get it. I don’t get it. I don’t get it. I don’t get it."     How can it all just end like this.    There are so many things we need to do in our ministry in Cuba through Calvary Road Gospel Association.    There are some good things happening in our church at Parkway Bible Church.   There are things at home that have to be put in order.   "God, I just don’t get it.  I don't get it.   I don't get it  ....."
It has been an exceedingly emotional day.     I don’t ever remember one like it.    There are still things I don’t understand.     Why would God take me out now?     If He’s going to heal me, why is He taking so long (I actually can think of reasons why but not when I’m in the throws of grief).     How could it be that just when my wife, who has given so much in service, would have to leave her church family when she needs it the most?      How can it be that literally thousands and thousands of Christians around the world are praying and asking God for healing and I have no assurance that He will?     (This is not lack of faith. Watch for a blog post on "Faith, Prayer, and Healing").
We went downtown to the Doctor and got the official word.    There is nothing they can do but perhaps relieve a little pain and give just a little precious time.    I believe absolutely that God can heal.    He did it in my life 18 years ago and we are grateful for those years.    There are thousands of people all over the world praying for my healing.    Perhaps He will show favour and spare me one more time that I might serve Him,  but if not, He will use this for His glory and I believe for the good of many others.
What keeps my emotions from winning the day, is my rock solid faith in Christ my Saviour who has been my Rock since I was 12 years old. Though He may seem a million miles away, I know that He is near,  and I will trust Him in the midst of this "Unexpected Journey" until I see Him face to face.

(Oh, and if you want to pray that God would heal me and keep me out of heaven for a few more years then please join the thousands of others who are praying the same prayer).


  1. Rick, your "stock" with me has always been high; however, since your diagnosis, well, actually your response, it has soared!! Thank you for your transparency and your avoidance of drippy Christianese!

  2. My dear friend, just wanted to tell you once again how much God has blessed us through your life. Last night our church prayed for you, Wendy and the kids. If there is anything I can help with or do, please count me in. We will not cease to intercede. May our precious God do His good and perfect will.
    Tu amigo, Fernando.

  3. Praying from Doaktown Baptist.....Pastor Rick. May God's will be done..I pray for strength and healing for you, Wendy, your children and your church family. God bless brother.


  4. Pastor Rick
    Thank you for sharing your pain, your faith and your experience so deeply, so vulnerably and so unashamedly. Your transparency is a visible demonstration of the trust you put in God and in your friends and congregation...an invitation to join you in the darkness, knowing that even there, God is with you and us.
    We are praying with you for healing for you and also for peace.
    Even though I walk
    through the darkest valley,[a]
    I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me. (NIV)

    Brad and Sylvia

  5. Praying for you Brother that God's peace will enable you.

  6. Dear Pastor Rick... one of my Facebook friends Amy Cutler... a dear Christian girl who God led out of Mormonism posted this today...

    If through faith you have placed your eternal destiny in the loving hands of Jesus Christ, you can be sure that God is at work, shaping the events and circumstances of your life into a beautiful mosaic that will reveal His Son to the men and women around you. His hand is on you, as it has been since before you were born.” ~Chuck Smith

    Psa 139:7 Where can I go to escape Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence?
    Psa 139:8 If I go up to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there.
    Psa 139:9 If I live at the eastern horizon or settle at the western limits,
    Psa 139:10 even there Your hand will lead me; Your right hand will hold on to me.
    Psa 139:11 If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me, and the light around me will be night"--
    Psa 139:12 even the darkness is not dark to You. The night shines like the day; darkness and light are alike to You.
    Psa 139:15 My bones were not hidden from You when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the depths of the earth.
    Psa 139:16 Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began.
    Psa 139:17 God, how difficult Your thoughts are for me to comprehend; how vast their sum is!
    Psa 139:18 If I counted them, they would outnumber the grains of sand; when I wake up, I am still with You.
    John and Marilynn

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Your willingness to submit to the sovereignty of God is inspiring, Rick. May God bring to a place of peace as you grapple with the reality of this dark valley.

  9. Rick, started this morning reading your blog and bawling my eyes out. I want to thank you for being so open with how you feel. Sometimes people think Pastor's are above pain and emotions and questioning God, that if they do it their faith is weak. I believe your blog will be a blessing to those that feel like being raw with God is wrong. Thank you. But I also know that you have a family and grandbabies and this hurts. Continuing to pray for you guys. We love you. The words to "He knows my name" is going through my head as I read your blog again..."He sees each tear you cry and hears you when you call"....xo

  10. Even in the midst of this horrible time of grief, you still honour your Lord. I praise Him for keeping you secure in the middle of feeling very insecure. Your feelings are certainly valid, and you are in excellent company. Your words immediately brought to mind Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20:3 - you echo him quite closely. This is obviously terrible and painful, but you certainly can't be expected to like it - you are allowed to express your grief, even as Jesus did in Matt. 26:39,42. Keep showing God your full emotions - He's no stranger to them! And please keep sharing them with us - they're helpful in teaching people how to grieve well.
    Janet M.

  11. Our dear beloved brother and friend, our special and one in a million pastor Rick, thank you for writing what you did.

    As we read this, we were overwhelmed with your transparency and vulnarability, your being so genuine and true.

    Honestly, one cannot read this without tears and an avalanch of emotions growing as the reading progresses.

    We cannot claim to understand the roller coaster you are going through even for a minute. But we are so thankful that even in times of deepest trouble you remain faithful and God shepherds our souls using you and your out of this world honesty.

    We know that words of men may not be good comforters. But we cannot help but say that we wish they were. We wish we could extend a deep hug across the vast ocean, show you how we love you and how much we care, how precious to us every tear you cry, every word you say, every thought you think. Please, do not stop for a minute to doubt that these real emotions are not only fine to share, but God uses those to mold us and prepare all of us for things that, like you wisely noticed, will come, if not now, then later.

    We wish we could just pray and prayer and see you totally healed. We wish we could make sense of it and help you figure it out. But being as honest as you are, we can only say that we don't.

    We feel helpless, weak, lacking unerstanding and wisdom, having no ability to be true comfort for you.

    We just pray and think of you more than daily - on a minute basis.

    We want to also let you know that we do hope and pray for total healing, Our helplessness actually makes us do that. But those prayers do not make us feel like winners. We still feel helpless.

    Not sure if knowing for those many prayers around the world truly encourage you or make you feel just like this - lost in the attempt to make sense why God does not answer them. We wish we knew. But we don't. We just keep on praying and loving you hoping beyond all logical evidences that there will be some twist, some bend in this tragic road, that will lead us to seeing God's glory, mercy and grace manifested still here in the land of the living.

    We just want you to know that you remain our beloved brother, pastor and friend.
    Andre - Russia

  12. Ultimately the secret to real "life" for us Christians is fully understanding that God is completely in control no matter how bad we feel the "mess" looks like here. You have discovered that secret. My prayer is that through your struggle many others will come to that same realization, which I know would be your own heart's desire. That they may know HIM through all we go through until the end. Thank you for your gutsy writing.

  13. Rick, this is Barb Thomson, Bill Hall's mom....I went to Parkway for many years with my sons and it was very hard to leave the church when I did. I had heard about what you found out and I have been praying for you. I thought of one thing when I read one of your blogs....."For me, to live is Christ...to die is gain" I will be praying for you Rick and for God's powerful touch in your life in more ways than one that will bring glory to Him and praise from you to Him. I will pray for Wendy your wife and that God gives her deep peace with His presence and strength to hold on, plus prayers for the rest of your family and for Parkway in their grief at this time...God bless you Rick and rest in Him and His miraculous power over you......because our God is good.
